
   Wuhan STHB Environmental Protection Technology co., ltd. is located at No.1, Zhongyi Road, Jiang'an District, Wuhan City (at the interchange of Development Road and Jinqiao Avenue). Our company, who is focused on the purification of odor gas and industrial exhaust, is committed to continuously improve the air quality of the environment and constantly open up new ideas and methods to solve emissions problems.
   Our company supply professional solutions to purify industrial waste gas and odor gas. We provide our clients with one-stop service, including the survey of waste gas condition, the design of purification project, the selection of purification equipment, engineering construction and installation, debugging and the exhaust emission testing, ect. Besides, waste gas purification process in our company include the traditional activated carbon adsorption equipment, spray scrubber and the high technological equipment of UV photolysis waste gas purification.
   Our company will treat the requirements of environmental protection seriously and scientifically. Meanwhile, we will constantly innovative waste gas purification technology and improve the service levels, to promote the development of environmental protection and our business, with the advanced gas purification technology and continuous improving service.

企业经济性质: 股份有限公司
法人代表或负责人: 雷曙刚
企业类型: 生产加工
公司注册地: 武汉市东湖高新区光谷总部国际
注册资金: 人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
成立时间: 2013
员工人数: 51 - 100 人
月产量: 50
年营业额: 人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
年出口额: 人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
管理体系认证: ISO9001
主要经营地点: 全国各地,华东地区 华南地区 华中地区 华北地区 西北地区 西南地区 东北地区 港澳台地区
主要客户: 要用于喷漆车间、油墨印刷、喷涂车间、化工、医药、橡胶、食品、印染、酿造、造纸、炼油厂、污水处理厂、垃圾焚烧发电(转运站、分拣处理厂、填埋场)等产生的有毒有害恶臭气体处理。
厂房面积: 800
是否提供OEM代加工: 是
主要市场: 山东省,湖北省,湖南省,江西省,河北省,河南省,浙江省
主营产品或服务: 武汉时泰环保科技有限公司位于武汉市东湖开发区高新四路27号,公司专注于工业废气、恶臭气体的净化治理,致力于持续改善环境空气质量,秉承科技设计绿色新环境的精神,不断开拓解决废气排放的新思路新方法。为客户提供专业的工业废气排放、恶臭气体净化解决方案,完成从废气工况调查、净化方案设计、设备选型、工程施工安装、系统调试以及废气排放检测等所有工作。